Living With Marfans

Books to Read:

 > Own Your Health - Roanne Weisman with Brian Berman, MD
      Choosing the best from alternative and   conventional medicine.

> The Official Patients Sourcebook
        James N Parker, MD
        Philip M Parker, MD

        * List of Famous Marfs *

- Akhenaten ( father of King Tut)

- Abraham Lincoln

- Han Christian Anderson

- Robert Johnson

- Sergei Rockmoninov

- Niccolo Paginini (possible EDS)

- Flo Hyman

- Mary Queen of Scots

- Charles DeGaulle

- John Tavener

- Vincent Schiavelli

- Jonathan Larson



Things I Am Looking Into: (to improve overall health)

______ Tai Chi ______ Massage

______ Meditation ______ Beds

______ Yoga ______ Topical Pain Relievers 

______ Walking ______ Swimming

More Important Facts About Marfans

** It is important when having dental work that you pre-medicate with prescribed anti-biotics if you have a mechanical valve. Consult with your cardiologist.

** Very important to check out your abdominal aorta as well as your upper/thoracic aorta & heart valves.

************ CT or MRI Abdominal Scan ***********

** You must be your own/best advocate.... you know your body.